So.....I'm not too good at keeping up with this blog thang, am I?
To "fix" this problem, I've decided to post a "pic-o'-the-day"....just some random picture I hafta take every day (for a month). This'll 1.) make me use my camera more and 2.) make me post stuff on my blog more.....or at least, for a month.
It's WAY easier than, say, making a piece of art every day, like I've heard some artists do... and since I'm pretty much LAZY, this is the route I'm going to take for now. Maybe someday, someone will challenge me to do the ART thang.....
What does this hafta do with my vision? Nothing and everything, I guess. I mean, I can only take pictures if I can see....same for the art. Gotta do it while I can! And even when/if I should lose my central vision, who says I can't still make some sort of art???? I might not get to do little, detailed stuff (that I LOVE), but who's to say I can't still paint? I can't draw worth a damn, so my paintings have always been sorta abstract blobs of color anyway....I certainly should be able to still do that......and I'm guessing, if I'm losing my vision, the price of my artwork could triple!!!!!!! Ha ha. I could finally be a mil....uh, a THOUSANDAIRRE!!! Why wait till I'm dead for my artwork to become priceless, like all those other artists???
Ok, so I'm a little full of myself. But I'm in a positive mood.....a little too positive maybe, but positive nonetheless.....
Sometimes I wonder if I might not be a little bi-polar, too. Hmmmm....
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